Tuesday 1 May 2012

Home Study Part 1 of 4

Sooo.... we had our first home visit this morning, no nerves just pure excitement! It feels like this snowball is finally rolling. Our social worker couldn't suit us better; kind, easy going, sense of humor. We had not a clue what to expect, do you actually baby proof your house for a child that won't be here for two years!?! If we even live here... the answer is no. Like a friend told me they actually just want to know there is a roof, and with the amount of rain today the roof was... present. Anyway, she also told us that bathroom doors are important, something I take for granted I guess. We asked her if we could proceed as quickly as possible with everything so guess when part two is? Tomorrow at 6:30pm! It feels like we're getting so close, I constantly remind myself that it is yet so far in the distance, although every step is a step closer to our daughter!!!