Wednesday 25 April 2012

Baby Steps, Leaps & Bounds

This last week has been a whirl wind. We thought we were steps away from having submitted all the paperwork for our home study and the realized we were actually about half way! So we got it together, faster than I thought we could. We put the large envelope in the mail on Thursday and received the call to book our homestudy last night! We'll meet with our social worker on Tuesday morning. I've heard of people being nervous but I am sooo excited! Let's get this girl home to her family:) While we work to complete our homestudy, we'll begin compiling the papers we need to submit a complete dossier to TDH Ontario who will then forward it to Vietnam. At that point we will officially be awaiting a referral!!! I keep being reminded that this path is just one foot in front of the other and everything all at once which would be comforting to some, but a lesson in patience for the rest of us! Also in the mean time we are praying; for our daughter, her first family and those who will be caring for her needs, whatever they may be. We are praying too that we will be readied and know the heart of God as we make choices along this path.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Beginning

Dear reader, this blog is for the benefit of our family. To recall this journey with great detail and feeling. If you happened to have stumbled upon us in a search for someone, anyone with experience adopting from Vietnam to Canada, welcome to my life and the second reason for this documentation. We are a family of 3; a mommy, a daddy and our son who is three. We are becoming a family of four through the journey of adoption. In approximately 2 years we will bring home our daughter and we could not be more excited! We have a love and longing. This is our story and welcome to it:)